Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Contact at.

Zumba at AFS

Guest Norfolk, NE YMCA Zumba instructor, Cali Correa, leads AFS students and teachers in Zumba.  It is a lot more difficult than you think but it is also great fun.  If everyone would zumba two or three times a week the world would be a much healthier and happier place.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Green Fiber Tour

            Green Fiber Tour - Alternatives For Success students take a tour after winning the recycling contest.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Students of AFS Recycle To Win Big

The students at AFS came in 1st place, competing against all Norfolk Public Schools in a recycling contest. The 40 students overwhelmingly coming in 1st won a grand prize of $100, 2nd was Westside Elementary, and 3rd was surprisingly Norfolk Senior High. Most participated by bringing their own recyclables from home, and some went to neighboring businesses to collect. The school has been recycling for 5 years and plan to keep helping for the future of the town.
To help participate, please drop off any unused paper or cardboard to our Greenfiber Dumpster east side of AFS 1122 South 13th Street.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Computers for $25.00 Now Shipping

For those hobbyists that like building their own personal computer check out this latest project, Raspberry Pi,  on building a $25 computer.

Here's an excerpt from a recent post that promotes computer clubs and could be used as a project in the regionally sponsored Northeast Nebraska Youth Philanthropy Contest.

"The need for help in getting our educational software stack in good order, alongside the materials we need to help teachers use the Raspberry Pi in lessons, is the reason we’re not launching straight into schools. We want the Raspberry Pi to be available for a few months for the community to work on before it’s unleashed on kids wholesale. Our friends at Computing at School are writing teaching and learning materials; early drafts we’ve seen from them so far have been first-rate. You’ve already seen demos of KidsRuby running on Raspberry Pi, and we’ve been running Scratch (here it is in the background of a Raspi pic from the BBC’s Rory Cellan Jones), another kids’ programming tool, ever since we got our alpha boards to play with back in the summer. There will be more of this sort of thing to come; we’ve got partners working on ports of some very exciting tools which we hope will genuinely engage kids at the moment. Watch this space for announcements."

posted by mdh